Burn My Calories
- Author(s) : Chang Pan Yong Zhe, 常盘勇者
- Status : Ongoing
- Last updated : Nov-02-2024 08:28:14 AM
- View : 15,814
- Genres : Action , Comedy , School life , Shounen
- Rating :
- nelomanga.com rate : 4.45 / 5 - 87 votes
Burn My Calories summary:
I'm so invincible that everyone calls me Big Daddy! How dare someone call me his Stepford wife? Me, I weigh half a ton! I can fight! I'm invincible! I root out the strong and support the weak! I'm the protector of all the boys in the school! However, one day, I got thinner and weaker... But I became handsome...
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